Putting Data Justice in Context

What does data justice mean in different places, at different times, and for different people?

Data justice is a powerful call to challenge the inequities, extractive dynamics and oppressions of current data-driven systems. But its meaning can be taken for granted.  Whose idea of justice is being invoked and is there only one? What counts as data and is it only digital? What is being resisted and why? What local concerns and ideas are being drawn on to formulate data justice, and how do they interact with other ideas and concerns from other places? What new contexts for data justice are emerging?

This project developed out of a workshop held at University College London in Dec 2020 that looked at what it means to put data justice in context.

The website is a space for archiving our work and making it available, as well as continuing and expanding the conversation. It is an open-ended project, with an edited book and a seminar series in the pipeline. We would love to hear from you if you want to get involved or have an idea for a project we could support you with.